Power Generation

Generating Power Cleanly and Efficiently

The global emphasis on reducing carbon emissions is having profound effects on the power sector. Coupled with the shale revolution, natural gas use for power generation has seen a remarkable expansion, along with wind and solar. Growing power demands will require the expanded use of fossil and renewable resources.

GTI Energy is developing advanced power cycles, carbon capture solutions, and polygeneration applications to maintain a diverse mix of options for large-scale power generation around the world.

GTI Energy also continues its work on distributed, on-site generation in combined heat and power applications. ​Researchers focus on technologies that help industrial and commercial facilities meet stringent emissions standards. We are working especially closely with the U.S. Department of Energy, California Energy Commission and local utilities on the development and demonstration of new solutions for the industrial and onsite power sectors.

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Revolutionizing future power generation

Power Generation Key Initiatives

Delivering high-impact, value-added research and technical services

Hydrogen Generation with Pre-combustion Carbon Capture test equipment in a lab

Hydrogen Generation with Integrated Carbon Capture

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Advancing R-GAS™ Entrained Flow Gasification technology to lower costs and minimize environmental impacts in China


Producing a Drop-In Gasoline Product or Flexible On-site Power with a Partial Oxidation Gas Turbine (POGT)

Oxy Pfbc

Oxy-Fired Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion (Oxy-PFBC) Technology to Develop Smaller Power Plants with Reduced Emissions

Pump No Lights 8_sharp_hdr

Small Footprint Dry Solids Pump for Low-Cost Power from Gasification

Description: B294 Drone Photo
Date photographed: 10/20/2023
Charge number: GNA67.101
Publication: Press Release
Contact name: Joanna Quintanilla
Photographed by: Bryan Winter
Department name: Communications
Division: (67)

Increasing Power Plant Efficiency with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (sCO2) Power Cycles

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Direct Contact Steam Generator (DCSG) for Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Produced Water

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Improving Energy Savings with Heat and Water Recovery

Hybrid Solar Thermal Collector

Simultaneously Generating Electricity and Storable Heat with a Hybrid Solar Energy System

Distributed Generation Key Initiatives

Delivering high-impact, value-added research and technical services

Micro CHP Lochinvar Equipment

Improving Technology, Proving Feasibility, and Reducing Costs of Micro-CHP

DG Frontier St Joachim Tecogen 100 KW

Monitoring and Evaluating Technologies Related to Distributed Generation (DG) and Combined Heat and Power (CHP)

Micro CHP

Developing Compact Equipment to Provide High-Efficiency, Industrial-Scale Ultra-Clean Power and Steam

DG Gas Quality Sensor Testing

Real-Time Monitoring of Fuel Properties for Power Generation Engines and Turbines

DG Generac Standby Generator

Delivering Quantitative Data to Support Natural Gas Standby and Emergency Generators

Integrated Energy Systems Virtual Test Home Lab 994x745

Creating an Integrated Energy Systems Laboratory for RD&D to Enable Connected Energy Systems

Success Stories

Creating Combined Heat and Power from Biomass Gasification in Skive, Denmark

Andritz continued development of the GTI Energy gasification process for biomass applications and has a commercial project…

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Cleaning and Conditioning Biogas for Use in Clean Power

The Gills Onion Advanced Energy Recovery System project was presented with the Governor’s Environmental and Economic Leadership…

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Commercialized Products

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