GTI Energy is addressing global energy and environmental challenges across the energy value chain

Unconventional Oil & Gas
- Fracturing optimization
- Water management
- Methane monitoring and mitigation
Gasification & Partial Oxidation
- Raw hydrocarbons to syngas
- Entrained flow and fluidized bed processes
Gas Processing
- Advanced separations
- Gas reforming and synthesis
- Carbon capture
- Sorbent enhanced reforming
- Dispensing
- Electrochemical conversion
Clean Fuels and Chemicals
- Biomass-to-hydrocarbon fuels
- Gas to Liquids
- Direct conversion of methane
Infrastructure Asset Management
- Data analytics and AI
- Pipeline GIS location, inspection, and maintenance
- Methane emissions
Pipeline Integrity
- Advanced risk models
- Testing/analysis
- Materials research
End Use
Energy Efficiency
- Design and oversee EE programs
- Industrial equipment
- Commercial/residential appliances
- Building envelopes
Power Generation
- Combined heat and power
- sCO2 power cycles
- Oxy-PFBC process
Alternative Transportation
- Engine development and testing
- Modular reactor platform
- LNG production and use – vehicle, marine and rail
Combustion Systems
- Advanced design and modeling
- Industrial burner development
- Oxy combustion
- Low NOx equipment
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