tcbiomass2021 Call for Abstracts
January 19, 2021
Des Plaines, IL

Abstracts Due May 3
Share Process Innovations, Improvements, and Insights
GTI is pleased to announce tcbiomass2021, the seventh international conference on thermochemical biomass conversion science. tcbiomass2021's theme, Achieving Net Zero Carbon Goals – the Role for Biomass, incorporates the following tracks: gasification/upgrading to finished products, pyrolysis/upgrading to finished products, hydrothermal conversion, mixed waste conversion, and integrated biomass conversion processes.
The biennial conference will take place on September 14-16, 2021, at the Historic Brown Palace Hotel and Spa in Denver, Colorado, USA. The program will include a tour to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
“This year’s conference will once again highlight the role that advanced conversion of biomass can (and must) play in achieving economy-wide net zero carbon goals,” said Vann Bush, Vice President, Technology Development & Commercialization.
“This focused, international, technical conference is the place to learn and share the latest science and engineering developments in this key segment of the energy transition.”
The tcbiomass2021 Technical Program Committee is now soliciting abstracts of 250 to 300 words by May 3, 2021. Researchers and technology developers can take advantage of the opportunity to share process innovations, improvements, and insights. The conference will also host a competitive Student Poster Challenge to help connect top engineering students with global bioenergy experts. Winning individuals or teams will be awarded with cash prizes and international exposure. Students interested in participating should submit their abstracts by May 3, 2021.
Abstracts will be peer reviewed and selected as either oral or poster presentations. Submitters will be notified of their abstract status in June 2021.
This scientific forum follows the success of the previous six events, which have garnered attendees from over 25 countries and 200 organizations, including companies, laboratories and universities from around the world. In addition to three days of peer-reviewed presentations and the NREL tour, tcbiomass2021 also marks the return of Virtual Tours, giving attendees an inside look at thermochemical conversion facilities in the U.S. and abroad.
Sponsorship and exhibit opportunities are also available. Current sponsors and more information can be viewed on the tcbiomass2021 conference website.
About GTI Energy
GTI Energy is a leading research and training organization. Our trusted team works to scale impactful solutions that shape energy transitions by leveraging gases, liquids, infrastructure, and efficiency. We embrace systems thinking, open learning, and collaboration to develop, scale, and deploy the technologies needed for low-carbon, low-cost energy systems.
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