GTI’s patented RENUGAS® is a biomass gasification technology that provides fuel gas for both low-pressure and high-pressure power generation, or as a syngas producer for fuel gas, liquid fuels, hydrogen, or substitute natural gas applications.

The fluidized-bed RENUGAS technology is amenable to a wide range of fuel choices. Versatile in size and configuration, it can be adapted to meet many needs.

The RENUGAS process was tested at a 100 TPD bagasse gasification plant in Maui, Hawaii in the 1990s. Carbona constructed and tested a 15 MWth high-pressure (20 bar) RENUGAS pilot plant in Tampere, Finland. A commercial combined heat and power project is operating in Skive, Denmark, producing 6 MW of electricity and 12 MW of district heat from wood.​


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