Assessing the Impact of Hydrogen/Natural as Blends on Residential/Commercial Gas-fired Equipment

GTI Energy’s project team is investigating the implications of blending hydrogen into natural gas for use in conventional and advanced gas-fired equipment in buildings.

GTI Energy is assessing performance, emissions, and safety of a wide array of combustion system designs in small equipment. Researchers are testing each appliance to identify how specific equipment reacts to increasing levels of H2, assess its ability to retain normal operations, and document any operational or potential safety issues. Results will quantify the impact of increasing H2 blending and provide insight to determine how appliances can be best installed and designed to better tolerate hydrogen. Recommendations for product development and data that can inform industry standards are also valuable outcomes of the project.

Impact of Hydrogen/Natural Gas Blends on Partially Premixed Combustion Equipment: NOx Emission and Operational Performance

This study documents the impact of 0–30% hydrogen blends by volume on the performance, emissions, and safety of unadjusted equipment in a simulated use environment, focusing on prevalent partially premixed combustion designs.

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