Successful Supercritical Transformational Electric Power Demonstration (STEP Demo) Site Visit Oct 21
More than thirty-five people had the opportunity to visit the Supercritical Transformational Electric Power Project Demonstration (STEP Demo) site on October 21 and see the revolutionary new power generation technology first hand!
Attendees from the Experience POWER conference and others toured the newly constructed 22,000 ft2 building to learn how everything is coming together and see the current status of installing equipment and piping at this state-of-the-art demonstration site on Southwest Research Institute’s (SwRI’s) campus in San Antonio.
The STEP Demo project will integrate and prove compact, modular technologies can be applied to generate clean, low-cost power from a wide range of heat sources. The facility is significantly smaller than today’s power plants, yet can generate enough power to provide electricity for a small town of ~10,000 homes.
Pictured bottom left is the full-scale turbine rotor for the 10MW test facility. At only ~60 inches long and >10 inches in diameter, the equivalent steam turbine would be more than 10 times this size. This desk-sized sCO2 turbine has power density similar to that of high-performance rocket engines.
Top: STEP Demo site tour attendees along with GTI Energy and SwRI Staff
Middle Left: View from the 2nd floor control room of the high bay housing the majority of the STEP Demo equipment
Middle Right: The Cooling Tower System north of the high bay
Bottom Left: Full-scale turbine rotor for the 10MW test facility
Bottom Right: Model (1:87 scale) of the entire STEP Demo facility showing the major components and layout
Become a project partner
This open project is welcoming new partners from around the world. OEMs, engineering companies, and power plant owner/operators are invited to join to gain a better understanding of how sCO2 technology can improve high-efficiency power generation.

For more information, contact Markus Lesemann directly.